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1 Introduction and Welcome

Welcome to NetConnect and thank you for purchasing the most comprehensive Internet compilation for the Amiga computer. NetConnect offers you all you need to connect and use the Internet.


1.1 What's in the Box

Your NetConnect package should consist of:

  1. This NetConnect introductory manual
  2. Registration card
  3. Envelope containing five software disks (disk based version)
This instruction book enables you to install NetConnect and to understand the interface. Further information is available though the main HTML help guide and the individual program guides (press your HELP key within the programs to access their online help).

1.2 System Requirements

To use NetConnect, the minimum Amiga configuration you'll need:

14.4 bps modem28.8 bps modem
8MB hard drive space15MB hard drive space
3MB of free memory4MB of free memory
68000 processor68020 processor
Workbench 2.0Workbench 3.0
ECS chipsetAGA chipset

1.3 Register Your Software

Statistics show that upto 40% of people do not bother to register their software. This is particularly worrying as an un-registered user never be entitled to updated versions of NetConnect or additional support if they do not return the registration card!

It is very important to register NetConnect. Why?

1.4 Making a Backup of your Software

It is essential you make a backup copy of all the disks supplied with NetConnect. Use Workbench to do this (instructions are given inside your Workbench manual) or with a backup tool such as XCopy or SuperDuper (available in the PD).

If you have purchased a CD version of NetConnect you don't, obviously, need to make a backup copy of the software. Just go straight to install in order to install the software to your hard drive.

If you are using floppy disks then you can use Workbench to make backup copies of your software. If you are unsure how to do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Before you make the backup, ensure that the master copies are write protected by sliding the protection tab so you can see through the hole. If you can see through this hole, you cannot erase the contents of the disk.

  2. Goto your Workbench Menu within Workbench and select Execute Command from the menu. Within this GUI type "newshell".

  3. Within the newshell window type "sys:system/diskcopy df0: to df1:" and then press the Return key (make sure you type a 0 and not a O for df0:

  4. Now place the the original master disk (disk 1 first) into the internal disk drive and the backup disk in the external drive. When prompted, press the Return key and the copying will occur.

  5. Make a backup of all the disks using this method. Once you have made your backup copies, put the master disks into a safe place.

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